Friday, May 4, 2012

Almost there!!!

Too many of my friends have promised to post those last few weeks of pregnancy pictures and then their baby comes early and I never get to enjoy seeing them fat.  So, here are a couple for all of you, mostly from my amazing sister Emily who is the queen of documenting. 

I hope that you all are enthralled with the back-lighting in this picture enough to not notice the cropping job I did at the bottom because my dress is getting much too short--that happens when it has to cover a sack of potatoes plus the normal me.

I thought shaving your legs pregnant was hard until I tried to paint my toenails one last time--this is a great time to shout-out to my amazing friend Chaucie Durnham for her spa night she provided last night - massage, emulsified, and painted feet/toes plus an awesome hair-cut.  At least there will be something attractive for the doctor and nurses to look at...

I know this is a repeat, but I love it because it kinda captures how I feel about pregnancy--kind of shocked by the whole thing but exceedingly blessed with the lack of complications and usual bad side effects.  Unlike many other times in my life, the pregnant me doesn't worry about weight and my image in general, other people's judgments (except about baby names), or my worth as a person (talk about random miracles a huge gut can give you).  While I have been pregnant I've actually felt like I could conquer the world and found the guts to do some bucket list things I'd not dared to attempt before.  
To sum up, pregnant people can still enjoy doing this:

Month 1: Travel around England
-Hike King's Peak (13-thousand and some-odd feet)

Month 2: Present an academic paper (that actually 
has some merit) at a conference

Month 3: Target shooting

Month 4: Moved

Month 5: Skiing (the balance is definitely different with a belly)

Month 6: DISNEYLAND :)  :)  :)
-Accepted into grad school

Month 7: Run/Waddle a 5-mile race (that got some great comments)
-Enjoy the Festival of Colors (as already seen)

Month 8: Take finals for some masters' pre-req courses
-Continue to enjoy the dozen kids we teach in Nursery

Month 9: WAIT FOR BABY (AKA learn patience--a feat not accomplished 
by my mother, the mission, etc.)

Wish I could say I felt ready for this little girl to come--I guess no one ever really does feel ready.  But I can sure as heck say we are excited beyond belief to have this little kicking, squirming, unique bundle of joy finally almost ready to come to our home.  Can't wait until she can meet all of you!

A few more pictures per request:


  1. Oh you are just so cute. I can't WAIT for your little girl!!
    Also, way to accomplish so many things while you were pregnant. Aside from the month in Japan, I worked .... and slept. And ate. Ha.

  2. Good for you! I am proud of you. I totally understand how hard the last week is...I get soooooo impatient. It is so weird that you are already going to have her. Feels like yesterday we were sitting on the floor of our apartment in England eating brownies and gabbing. Makes me reminiscent of being pregnant with Adrain.

  3. Oh Lu, You are too cool. I love reading your blog posts! I can't wait to meet the little one IN PERSON! I'll prolly have to apologize to her about poking her, trying to make her move. :) Great way to start off being an auntie, right?

  4. You are SO cute!! And I'm glad it hasn't been Too rough! 5 mile race in month 7?!! Are you insane?!! ;) Jk you go girl!! :) I'm impressed!! :) can't wait to meet your little girl!! Good luck with everything!! :) you'll be fabulous

  5. you are looking good deary! Miss you! Like I said, you should have that baby this week! ;)
