Thursday, February 5, 2015

Starting Anew

I have wisely made the decision to stay silent through the month of January to break my horrible habitual addiction of New Years Resolution blogging (aka a smattering of posts in the first forty-five days of the year and internet silence for the remaining 320 days). But now, the year's second month has come and I am ready to really dedicate time this year to brief but consistent blogging.

This blog began as a place to document travel--going from Italy to the UK to the US and invariably closer-to-my-Utah-home locations. Now, with kids, my travels are more of a figurative journey--there is still the occasional vacation documentary post, but mostly this blog captures snapshots of my (and my family's) steps through the beautiful mess of living.

But, before jumping headlong into a new and unusually regular blogging routine, I would like to share my traditional post of accomplishments of the past year and goals in store for 2015. It's nice to look back on what I have done for motivation to achieve what I can do.

Welcomed second child (another girl) into the world
Bought our home
FINALLY graduated with a master's degree

Study the scriptures daily as an individual, couple, and family.
Use my master's degree.
Hike a mountain peak.
Restart foreign language study.
Have a clean house at least twice a month.
Create a frame-able painting.
Help our garden plot actually produce.
Leave the state 5 times.
Run another marathon.

Mostly, this year I hope to explore ways to develop personally and influence the world around me that don't necessarily result in being a good mom or getting a paycheck. More musings on this later, but it seems the big question for women is stay-at-home, work-at-home, or work-out-of-home? Always between mommyhood and occupation. I want to find ways to find and express myself that don't necessarily answer to one or the other. We'll see how that goes.

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