Sunday, May 20, 2012

Night of my Life

Dustin: I just had the most amazing night of my life! After going a full week beyond the due date, baby is finally here! Rosalee Ray Fuller (we call her "Little Rosie" mostly) was born on May 19, 2012 at 3:34am. She was born a healthy 7 lbs 11 oz and 19 inches long. My awesome wife went through labor and delivery without any meds and she was still able to joke around and make me laugh. 

It all started happening on Friday evening. We were having our weekly date night, a quick dinner at Wendy's and some ice cream at Cold Stone (of course we would spend more on ice cream than the rest of dinner). When we stood up to leave Cold Stone, Lauran had a bit of a surprise--her water was leaking! We grabbed some napkins and ran out the door, grateful for the towel we had put in the car for just such an occasion. When we got home, we called the hospital and told them the situation and they told us to get to the hospital right away. Deciding that it wasn't quite time for something as drastic as the hospital (it was only a little leak, and no real contractions), we tried going on walks and watching a movie to get contractions going. During our walk, contractions really started kicking in. We sat down to watch an episode of 'Person of Interest' and didn't even get through 15 minutes before deciding that it was time to get moving. Lu's contractions were 3 minutes apart and getting more intense.

After an eventful drive to the hospital we went in to get checked in and see where things were at. (NOTE FROM LU: Dustin said to look like we just arrived at Disneyland--I think he set me up.  But it was between contractions, so I was feeling pretty good)

At about 10:15pm Lu was dilated to a four and 90% effaced. She was doing awesome! The next few hours were intense, but Lu kept fighting through. We had 'fun' with the birth ball and using all of the tips we learned at our birthing prep class. At around 2:00am Lu's water broke and she started transition. By 2:50am she was pushing and baby was really on her way. The most amazing moment was when Rosie came out to say hello to the world.

We're such a happy family!!


  1. She's absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys. :) And I love the name! So sweet!

  2. Congratulations you guys!!! What a beautiful family!

  3. Congrats Congrats!! :) And way to go!! I don't think I will EVER be able to do it unmedicated. I'm such a wimp! :) lol

    Can't wait to see her in person. She's gorgeous! Love you guys!

  4. Yay! Congrats you two! She is beautiful. Enjoy it and each other!

  5. So happy for the two of you! What a beautiful family!

  6. I'm so glad you did it unmedicated. That is my plan,and I've worked hard to do it, and everyone tells me I cant!!! Well if you can so can I baby!!! YAYAYAYA!! im so happy for you

  7. Fantastic! And Rosie is so pretty! Dustin, I don't think I've ever seen you write so much in one place at one time. This is like 10 of your mission letters. :) I guess the event deserves a lot of space.

  8. Aww I am soo happy for you!! Your daughter is so sweet and I love the name!! Best of luck for the future!! <3

  9. Yay! Little Rosie is a doll. Congrats to you! We can't wait to see you in a few weeks.
