Monday, July 23, 2012

Baby Rosie in Vogue

Our baby girl is 2 months now and growing like crazy.  My awesome friend Rachel Morgan has been doing photos for friends and businesses for years, so when she came to visit a few weeks ago she offered to snap a few of Rosie.

It wasn't the most pleasant experience for Rosie.  Sweet Rosalee has a spidey-sense that warns her when a camera is pointed at her and it makes her face screw up in unhappy expressions.  She was NOT a fan of being positioned, especially on her tummy.  I didn't have a Boppy or anything really to make the process easier (sorry Rachel) so our amazing photographer did what she could.  I was surprised how many of them actually turned out cute (even through the tears):

Then she started doing this weird cross-eyed thing - for the next three days Rosie kept looking at things cross-eyed.  Hasn't really happened before or since (yes, you may laugh at my child if you so desire).

And then she started getting a little grumpy.

and a little grumpier.

and then REALLY grumpy.

But we still grabbed a few where her adorable personality shone through.  


Thanks Rachel, and we love you, Rosalee!!


  1. Oh my gosh! She is just the CUTEST THING EVAH!

  2. Oh my. What a cutie! She actually looks a lot like Emily did as a new baby - minus the red hair - Love the pics...thanks for sharing!
