I just couldn't help but add a quick photo blitz to the blog covering quarter 1 of a great 2016 year. We've had a lot of ups and downs in our lives lately, but January through March were basically the best. Here are some highlights:
We were able to see the inside of the new Provo City Center LDS Temple as a family--twice! The kids were well behaved and allowed us to feel the peace and spirit available in temples.

Next, a few mug shots of the belles of our golden house. From sun-up to sun-down we have a rockin' time:

And picnics are a new favorite activity--there are weeks where five of our seven lunches are spent outside (many thanks to Dustin's co-worker Chris who gifted the girls matching lunchboxes and fueled this fetish).
I had to include a shout out to the preschool our neighborhood organized and pulled off with spectacular success.
Rosie dove into swim lessons this winter and, after some tears and terror, managed to transform into a water-loving A+ student.

Easter with cousins was smashing good fun all around.

We finish up with a wonderful LDS General Conference weekend, complete with sweet roll making with Nana.