Monday, July 8, 2013

First Birthday = CAKE!!!!

To finish up Rosie's first birthday I had to post some pictures of her party--she was SO CUTE with her cake!  Here she is opening presents--it only really held her attention for a couple minutes, but she's loved each present since!

All the Utah Fullers were there--as were the Lloyds, but I didn't get a picture of them, so you'll have to look at the zoo post to see them :) Do you like our decorating job??

ALERT: There are LOTS of pictures of this child smashing cake into her face, so feel free to skim. I was just amazed that she was so AWESOME about it--I mean, the smashing, stuffing, smearing, licking, gooing, crumbling action was priceless--seriously out of a movie. I love this girl so much, and my sister took adorable pictures of the whole episode. Rosie went right to town and dug into that pink cake like...a fat kid into his cake, I guess.

This was the PERFECT capture of her squinty face she makes whenever the camera is out--I think she is trying to smile for the picture :)

So excited!!

Take that, you cake!

AND it tastes good!!!

She was on SUCH a sugar rush for the rest of the day--WAY too hyper in this picture, but loved every second of it. Happy birthday Rosie!  I couldn't imagine life without you--just like I couldn't comprehend before you came into our lives how much I would love, admire, and enjoy your happy spirit in our hoe. You are our biggest blessing.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Birthday Trip to the ZOO!!!

I know I've done a lot of family posts lately, but honestly, Rosie is what is happening for most of my summer--I'll get creative or soapbox-y later; for now, take a look at her first trip to the zoo--she was SO excited!

This was a present from the grandparents, so the whole family (minus missionary Mikelle) was there.

Can't get enough of that smile!  I wish we'd taken more pictures of her reacting to animals--or at least figure out how to put the videos on the blog. Her favorite was the otter: it surprised her when it swam up, and then she tried to chase it along the length of the window--so fun!  She loves animals and can now (at 13 months, a little after the zoo trip) can do dog, tiger, sheep, cow, lion, monkey, horse, elephant, pig, and fish.

So great having someone so happy around!